Watch Block Buster () Online Free Movie Download
- Title: Block Buster
- Year:
- Duration: unknown
- Rating: 7,6
- Genres: Comedy
Summary Block Buster ()
It's Doug's high school football reunion and he boasts about his famous block. But everyone besides him remembers his now handicapped ex-team mate (Pat Finn) making the block. Doug tries to find proof on some old tapes.
Doug Heffernan, played by Kevin James, invites his old football teammates over so they can talk to a reporter about their team. Doug made a championship winning play, but to his dismay, other people on the team believe another player made it. Doug then proceeds to try and prove them all wrong.
Doug invites his old high school championship football team to his house to have a party. Doug tells Carrie that he got a huge block to set up the winning touchdown. While talking to a reporter about how they won the game, the team remembers Doug's teammate Tom Busterman, who is confined to a wheelchair, making the block. Doug gets the game tapes from the attic, and has the team watch the play. Doug was given Busterman's jersey by mistake that game, and that's why they got the players mixed up. Doug was the real hero.
Synopsis Block Buster ()
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